The beginnings of the ASISTEC Laboratory date back approximately to the year 1981 where the Microbiology and Food Chemistry Laboratories were located outside the School and were used for teaching, research and technical assistance purposes. Thus, in 1984, the new Food Microbiology Laboratory could materialize, occupying the physical space in the Food School, where it is located to this day. A first step of great importance occurred in the period 1992-1995 when the School was awarded the project FONDEF PS-03 "Modernization of the infrastructure of the laboratories of the Catholic University of Valparaíso for its services, research and teaching". This project meant the expansion and remodeling of the assigned physical spaces, as well as the acquisition and renovation of various equipment. Since its inception, the Food School has given fundamental importance to the activity of the Technical Assistance Laboratory, being a pioneer in the sanitary control of fishery products in Region V. Thus, in 2004, ASISTEC obtained accreditation from the INN National Standardization Institute, under NCh-ISO 17025.
- SERNAPESCA - National Fisheries Service: Since 1999 to date, ASISTEC has acted as a Verification Laboratory for this Institution, as a result of an agreement generated to ensure the quality of the export fishery products of companies from different parts of the country.
- JUNAEB - National Board of School Aid and Scholarships: In April 2008, a contract corresponding to Public Bid ID-85-50-LP08 was signed, through which this Institution contracts the services of ASISTEC to carry out sampling, analytical control of food and food rations served, and supervision of the School Feeding Program in the communes of the V Region. These services are maintained, through new awards in public tenders, until April 2016. ASISTEC has participated in tenders for these services since the 1990s.
This has allowed signing an agreement with the following institutions
- Food manufacturers of cured meats, confectionery products, spices, preserves, derivatives of milk and fruits, among others
- Food services in the area of Health, Education and food preparation and service establishments
Agreements with companies